Let us unite and clean up South Africa!

We as believers in Christ are now putting words into ACTION! We’re no longer available to do nothing. As instruments in the Lord’s hands,
we are stepping forward to BE THE CHANGE in South Africa!
SA Cleanup is a massive national cleanup strategy that has been launched by Time2RiseSA in January 2024 and is still continuing. The strategy aims to cleanup EVERY TOWN, STREET, PARK AND TOWNSHIP of South Africa, restoring it to an unpolluted, pristine home for everyone.
South Africa is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Yet, many areas in our towns and cities have become so dirty and polluted that it is a disgrace for our nation.
SA Cleanup calls on all Christians to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13 – 16), take hands and clean each town and suburb in our country, thereby restoring dignity and ownership of the people living in these polluted areas.
Cleanliness is Godliness! We serve a God of order and righteousness, and He manifests within a clean and orderly community.Keeping your towns clean is not really a choice, it is a duty; a moral responsibility.
The impact of living in a clean environment goes far beyond aesthetic appeal and environmental sustainability. Numerous studies have shown a strong correlation between urban cleanliness and wellness: as soon as areas are cleaned up, mental health among residents improves, crime statistics go down, productivity increases and the atmosphere lifts to become positive and happy.

Time2RiseSA aims to mobilise and unite the body of Christ to work together for deep and lasting change in South Africa. We aim to establish an Action Team in every town of South Africa that works in their communities to bring change from grassroots level up.
Hundreds of Time2Rise Action Teams are currently working in South Africa to clean up our country and bring hope and transformation to communities.
Our SA Cleanup Team has identified numerous highly effective, sustainable cleanup strategies that are currently being used in South Africa to keep parks, streets and townships clean. Many of these projects have added benefits such as job creation and community partnerships. See them below!
SA Cleanup is a massive national cleanup strategy that has been launched by Time2RiseSA in January 2024 and is still continuing. The strategy aims to cleanup EVERY TOWN, STREET, PARK AND TOWNSHIP of South Africa, restoring it to an unpolluted, pristine home for everyone.
South Africa is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Yet, many areas in our towns and cities have become so dirty and polluted that it is a disgrace for our nation.
SA Cleanup calls on all Christians to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13 – 16), take hands and clean each town and suburb in our country, thereby restoring dignity and ownership of the people living in these polluted areas.
Join an Action Team in your town!
An Action Team consists of a number of volunteers in a town that are passionate about serving God by serving others. To sign up as Action Team Coordinator or join an Action Team in your town, click here.

Ilze van Wyk
SA Cleanup & SA Makeover
Tel. 083 560 0205
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