
James 2:17-26 KJV

“Even so, faith, if it does not work, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, thou hast faith, and I have works show me thy
faith without thy works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”

At Time2Rise, we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the united action of the Bride of Christ, and the extraordinary impact it can have on communities. We invite you to be a catalyst for change by submitting your Kingdom Project initiatives that are already making a positive impact in South Africa.


A Kingdom Project is a program of work or initiative that are Holy Spirit Lead, that unites people and draws on individual gifts to serve and therefore transform lives and uplift and restore communities!

The Time2Rise Projects initiative provides a platform for Kingdom Projects to share, encourage and uplift! We’re on the lookout for projects that are Holy Spirit lead, bringing about real and positive change. If your initiative is transforming lives and uplifting communities, we want to hear about it!

This have to change!
The time is now! If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Submit Your Kingdom Project

Amplify Your Impact: Share your story and amplify the impact of your community upliftment project.
By submitting, you inspire others and contribute to a network of positive change.

Join the Time2Rise Community: Become a part of the Time2Rise movement and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for community upliftment. United, we will command His blessing in all that we do!

Join Us in Uplifting and Restoring Communities!

Together, We Rise!

Time2Rise is committed to supporting and celebrating how Jesus is moving through His Bride to deliver community upliftment and restoration initiatives that are making a difference.

Join us in the Kingdom Project initiative and be a part of a movement dedicated to bring Jesus’s Kingdom to earth to restore communities across South Africa.


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