Uniting for change

Our vision: To unite the body of Christ to become a force for change in South Africa



Change spectator-Christianity into impact-Christianity


Stop community-collapse immediately


Change the political system, making it fully accountable to the people.


Create a true democracy and constitution that represent the values of the majority: Christians


Implement a new, inclusive economy that provides real solutions.


Take action to fix systems in crisis, such as: education, electricity, health, service delivery, stopping crime, food security, and more


Create new opportunities for the youth that truly empowers them

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts.
Zechariah 4:6


“You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.”
Matthew 5:13-14

We unify the body of Christ:

We unify the body of Christ: Time2RiseSA aims to unify all believers in Christ to stand together, get organised and become a force for change in South Africa. Christians are the ‘silent majority’. We outnumber most organisations, political parties, NPO’s, NGO’s etc. If we stand together, each believer operating in his/her unique God-given calling, empowered by the Holy Spirit, this country can and will change!

We identify and raise up new leaders:

Time2RiseSA aims to identify new leaders in South Africa on local, provincial and national level. We aim to establish Godly governance in all sectors of society through servant-leaders whose values are based on Biblical principles to set a new standard of governance in South Africa. If all believers vote together for these leaders, we can be the majority vote!

We take action!

Time2RiseSA aims to mobilise the network of believers in South Africa to be true ‘salt and light’ (Matt 5:13-16) and become active agents of change in society. We are working together on ground-level to take concrete nation-building steps, help create new jobs, end poverty and inequality, rebuild infrastructure and grow a new, inclusive economy.

We change the narrative:

Time2RiseSA aims to stimulate and encourage a new narrative (T2R Talk), a language of hope, that is based on what we believe: God is with us, all things are possible with Him, and South Africa can change if believers stand together. The language of negativity must stop. We will no longer agree with the enemy! We are replacing the culture of negativity with speaking life over South Africa!

We connect the body of Christ:

Time2RiseSA aims to unify the body of Christ by connecting them in various ways across the country. Hundreds of Action Teams and Prayer Circles have been established throughout South Africa. We also connect hope-giving projects and initiatives with each other and affiliate with like-minded organizations, schools, programmes and organizations.

We blow the whistle:

We blow the whistle on laws and practices that are unbiblical and cause moral collapse in our communities such as abortion, racism, the Bela Bill, restricting religious freedom, legalising prostitution, Hate Speech Bill, and totalitarianism…Our motto is: “ Everyone is welcome, but not everything”.

Call to Action:

It is time 2 rise for the body of Christ!

Rooies Straus on potholes, Time2Rise and the future of SA.

Dr Arno van Niekerk explains the mission and vision of T2R

Dr. Pearl Kupe challenges SA to overcome racial barriers


At the end of January 2023 about 300 men came together at Camp Unity to pray and seek God’s face. He clearly showed us from Ezekiel 37 how the dry bones need to come together in South Africa and Africa. “Where there’s unity, the Lord commands a blessing” (Ps 133). He showed us that it’s time to rebuild the walls (Nehemiah 4) on new foundations (Isaiah 61).

It became clear to us that it’s time for new systems, for real change. The answer is to fully align with God’s will and purposes in South Africa. The time has come for Africa to RISE UP in its redemptive purpose. Its full potential still needs to be unlocked to the glory of God among the nations. Now that moment has come…

The 300 men weekend was followed by a Christian Leadership Summit held in Senekal from 12-13 April 2023. It was a multicultural gathering of influential men and women who are passionate about changing South Africa in line with God’s Word. Out of the two days action steps came forward that gave further momentum to Time2RiseSA as we unite for change.


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